Using the ‘Clear Search’ button

clear search button imageThe CLEAR SEARCH button is one of the most important buttons on the Database.

If you can’t find a specific wine, it may be because you forgot to click the CLEAR SEARCH button to remove all previously selected search criteria.

If I do a search, checking the “drink now” option, then start a new search looking for a 2019 grand cru but forget to click the CLEAR SEARCH button, I won’t get any results – because my current search contains the “drink now” option, but no 2019 grand cru wines would be designated as “drink now”. So I must click the CLEAR SEARCH button to start with a clean slate.

There are two CLEAR SEARCH buttons conveniently located on the right and left of a desktop screen. You may choose whichever is closest to your cursor – they work identically.

If you have chosen any wines to compare in the results section, they will not be cleared unless you click the CLEAR COMPARE button. IMPORTANT: the CLEAR COMPARE button does not clear your search criteria.

To return to your last search, use the back arrow on your browser.

NOTE: Clicking on the NEW SEARCH link at the top of the page will also erase all prior search parameters.

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